Thursday, October 30, 2008

Russian Venture Company

Yan Ryazantsev, Investment Director, Russian Venture Company.

Yan Ryazantsev has been the Founder and President of the New Systems Co., one of the few Russian innovation firms. During the period of 1990 till 1992 the company has funded and participated in the development of several projects in the field of alternative energy.

Before New Systems, Mr. Ryazantsev had been one of the few pioneers who had established a commercially independent scientific organization “Foundation for technical creators”. During 2002-2007

Mr. Ryazantsev served for the state-owned Central Research and Technology Institute of Russia as Director of the Investment Projects and Advanced Technologies Department. Since 2007 Yan is the Investment Director of the Russian Venture Company – the new vehicle of the Russian Federation aiming to boost national venture capital market. Yan is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

*** Russian Venture Company is a $1.25 billion fund of funds established by the Russian Government to boost development of venture capital industry and technology entrepreneurship in the country.

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